Receiving an error is quite possibly the most frustrating situation you can come across while using a computer. To make matters worse, some errors cause the computer to show the “Blue Screen of Death (BSOD)” and will then shut down, sometimes before you can even save your work! Errors can occur from a variety of issues, including (but not limited to): viruses and spyware, hardware problems, and software problems.
Our Error Recovery and Repair Service
When you choose us to perform error recovery on your computer, we will conduct a thorough analysis of your system to detirmine the cause of the issue. We will then take the appropriate steps to not only stop the error immediately, but to stop it from occuring again in the future as well. You will then receive your computer back free of any errors.
Turnaround Time
Our error recovery and repair service typically takes no more than 1 day. Customers that are in Rockland County can enjoy the convenience of our free pickup and delivery service! We will pick your computer up from your location, service it, and bring it back to you upon completion of the work. In some cases the work may be able to be done on-site. This depends how corrupted your computer is. Call us at (845) 642-2462 or use our contact form to E-Mail us and we will give you our recommendation for your particular situation.